News Category : STAFF

News : Marks entry/verification/generation of statement of marks of Practical Examination of Semester 2/4/6, 2022 have to be performed by concerned departmental examiner in presence of Tabulation committee member.
Published On 14/7/2022





Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls

Hastings House, Alipore, Kolkata-27


Notice No: SNGGDCG/90

Date: 14/07/2022



It is hereby informed to all the departments that marks entry/verification/generation of statement of marks of Practical Examination of Semester 2/4/6, 2022 have to be performed by concerned departmental examiner in presence of Tabulation committee member. Departments are further requested to inform the Tabulation Committee in regard to such uploading of marks prior one day in advance to help them prioritize the issue.



Dr. Sebanti Bhattacharya


Sister Nibedita Government General

Degree College for Girls




Dr. Malay Ganguli

Dr. Sumi Ganguly


Tabulation Committee

Sister Nibedita Govt. Gen. Degree College For Girls, Kolkata